Mayıs ayında Hırvatistan yolculuğumuza karar verdik.Aslında benim için son dakika kararıydı.Arkadaşlarıma sürpriz yaptım ve her zamanki gibi keyifli vakit geçirmek için onlara katıldım.Rotamız şöyle idi: ilk yolculuk Alba Iulia'dan Timisoara,sonra oradan Sırbistan(Belgrad),son olarak da Hırvatistan(Zagreb ve birkaç şehir) ve eve dönüş yolcuğu.
Bizi Hırvatistan'a götürüp getirecek(Tmisoara'ya kadar) bir şirket bulduk.Şirket adresini "Faydalı Olabilecek Web Siteleri"başlığı altında bulabilirsiniz.Gidiş-dönüş 100 euro verdiğimiz bu yolculukta arabalar son derece konforluydu,molalar vererek ihtiyaçlarımızı giderdik,Sırbistanda gidiş-dönüş toplamda 4-5 saat bulunma şansımız oldu.
Öncelikle şunu belirtmek istiyorum ki Sırbistan yolları da Romanya gibi çok iyi durumda değil.İkincisi para birimleri "dinar"'dır ve çok 0(sıfır) ile karşılaştığımız paraları çok büyük sayı olsalar da aslında çok düşük tutardalar :)
Belgrad başta Romanya stili gibi görünse de ibadet yerleri ve evlerin farklı tasarımda ya da renklerde olduğu göze çarpmakta.Şirket yetkilileri de Sırp vatandaşlardı ve bizlere çok çok kibar davrandılar.Özellikle kibar davrandılar,çünkü geçmişteki Katil Sırp milleti izlenimini ortadan kaldırmaya çalışıyorlar.Şimdiki neslin farklı düşünenleri de barındırdığını düşünürsek bu çabalarında haksız da sayılmazlar.1995'te yaşanan "Srebrenitsa Katliamı" 8300 civarında boşnak ve müslüman çoğunlukta olan halkın katledilmesi ile sonuçlanmıştı.Şu an 40 yaş üzerindeki insanlar ,o dönemde asker oldukları ve bu katliamda yer aldıkları için hala Müslüman ülke vatandaşlarını ve Bosna'lıları sevmezler.Bunu Sırbistan sınırındaki görevlinin bize olan tavrından da anlayabildik.Hatta bana "Silah var mı?" tarzında soru yöneltti.Cevabı da "Hayır,ben terörist değilim!" oldu.Şaşırmıştım da doğrusu ama detayları öğrenince normal geldi bu tavır.Ayrıca günümüzde hala birçok Sırplı , Bosna-Hersek bölgesini kendi sınırları dahilinde kabul etmekte ve haritalarında bunu yansıtmaktadırlar.
Yukarıda bahsettiğim olay bu ülkenin utancı olsa da birkaç nesil sonra bu önyargının Sırbistan için kalkmasını umuyorum.Çünkü zaman geçiyor,aynı insan karakterleri olsa da farklı karakterler de doğuyor.Eminim onların da bizlere bakış açısı değişecektir.
Çok fazla Sırbistan turu yapamadığımız için biraz bilgi ve fotoğraflarla bu yazımı sonlandırmak zorundayım.
We decided our journey on May.Indeed,it was a last moment decision for me.I made a surprise to my friends and I joined them to have fun as usual.Our route was like that:First route from Alba Iulia to Timisoara,and from there to Serbia(Belgrade),at last Croatia(Zagreb and some more city) and return to home.
We found a company that would take us for Croatia and bring back(until Timisoara).You can find the name of the company in the section"Websites that can be useful".In this travel that we paid just a houndred Euro for 2 ways,the vehicles were extremely comfortable;we gave many breaks on the way for our needs.We had chance to be in Serbia for 4 or 5 hours in total.
Firstly,I would like to mention that the tracks of Serbia are like Romania,not in a good condition.Secondly,their currency is "Dinar" and their banknotes that we see so many zero(0)in, are not so precious even if they have so many zero in :)
Even if Belgrade seems as Romanian style at first,one can realize their chapels and different style and colour of houses.The company authorities were also Serbian citizens and they treated us in a kind way so so much.They did it deliberately,because they are trying to remove the impression of "Serbian the Slayer" in the past.If we think that new generation includes people that think in a different way from old generations,they are right in their attitudes.The genocide of Srebrenitsa that took place in 1995,resulted in the death of nearly 8300 Bosnian and mostly Muslim people.So, Over 40 years old people who took part in that genocide as a soldier at that time, dont like people from Muslim countries and from Bosnia.We clearly understood that when the official in the Serbian border asked me "Do you have pistol or gun?".The respond was"No,I'm not terrorist".I was amazed,however it took it normal attitude when i learn details.In addition,many Serbian still accept Bosnia and also Herzegovina inside of their borders and projects that in their maps.(Just Generalisation)
Even if the event I mentioned above is the shame of this country,I hope this prejudice will be removed by next generations.I'm sure their attitudes toward us will change as well.
I will continue my note with some information and photos .As we hadn't so much tour in Serbia.
We decided our journey on May.Indeed,it was a last moment decision for me.I made a surprise to my friends and I joined them to have fun as usual.Our route was like that:First route from Alba Iulia to Timisoara,and from there to Serbia(Belgrade),at last Croatia(Zagreb and some more city) and return to home.
We found a company that would take us for Croatia and bring back(until Timisoara).You can find the name of the company in the section"Websites that can be useful".In this travel that we paid just a houndred Euro for 2 ways,the vehicles were extremely comfortable;we gave many breaks on the way for our needs.We had chance to be in Serbia for 4 or 5 hours in total.
Firstly,I would like to mention that the tracks of Serbia are like Romania,not in a good condition.Secondly,their currency is "Dinar" and their banknotes that we see so many zero(0)in, are not so precious even if they have so many zero in :)
Even if Belgrade seems as Romanian style at first,one can realize their chapels and different style and colour of houses.The company authorities were also Serbian citizens and they treated us in a kind way so so much.They did it deliberately,because they are trying to remove the impression of "Serbian the Slayer" in the past.If we think that new generation includes people that think in a different way from old generations,they are right in their attitudes.The genocide of Srebrenitsa that took place in 1995,resulted in the death of nearly 8300 Bosnian and mostly Muslim people.So, Over 40 years old people who took part in that genocide as a soldier at that time, dont like people from Muslim countries and from Bosnia.We clearly understood that when the official in the Serbian border asked me "Do you have pistol or gun?".The respond was"No,I'm not terrorist".I was amazed,however it took it normal attitude when i learn details.In addition,many Serbian still accept Bosnia and also Herzegovina inside of their borders and projects that in their maps.(Just Generalisation)
Even if the event I mentioned above is the shame of this country,I hope this prejudice will be removed by next generations.I'm sure their attitudes toward us will change as well.
I will continue my note with some information and photos .As we hadn't so much tour in Serbia.
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